The #1 Problem in the Workplace
How to effectively communicate at work with each Enneagram type.
The Most Perfect Gifts for Mom (according to her Enneagram type)
This is your sign to get your mom that gift, write that heartfelt card, and plan that day of adve...
The Ultimate Cheat Code for Finding Your Enneagram Type
A surefire way to narrow down and find your Enneagram type is by looking at the Harmonic Triads w...
The Secret to Loving Enneagram Type Fours
Learn the BEST ways to love the Enneagram Type 4s in your life and promote a better relationship!
Your Enneagram Type in the Workplace: Do's and Don'ts
As much as we would like to lounge poolside with a margarita in hand forever, most of us have to ...
What Steak Shows Us About Our Personalities
We could all research how to make a great steak. The reason why we do that research is different ...
Maximize your Work from Home Productivity: Tips for Your Enneagram Type
Attention all work-from-home people! If you're like me, your brain goes numb around 2 pm and the...
The Problem with Being an Enneagram Eight (and a woman)
If you're a woman and an Enneagram Eight, you don't have it easy. The female Type Eight experien...